Oh, Child of Countless Trees

A few weeks ago, Jian had a little tree with squirrels on it for Fifty Linden Fridays, I bought it, and dutifully put it out on my land, but kind of forgot about it after that. Until today. Today I was walking around my land trying to figure out if I was going to tear it all down and redo it, or if I was going to leave it for another couple of months while I formulate a game plan, and decide on a house. As I was walking I rediscovered this little gem, and had a few poses that I thought would look pretty cute.
 So I threw together my go to, I'm bored, but not bored enough to put together an entire outfit outfit, coordinated my hair, and my nails to match, and started snapping away.
Over all I think they came out really cute. The shoot only took about 30 minutes, the scene and lighting were right enough that I barely had to retouch them at all.
And because we all know that Cereal is vain, I may have made her snap a couple of selfies.
I feel like this is the main difference between her and I... She would be seen holding a samsung phone. I would never ever be caught dead with one of those grenades waiting to happen IRL
Anyway it was fun, and I want to send a special thank you to Jian for consistently giving me animals to max out my Prim allowance with!
What I am wearing:
Body: Maitreya Lara v4.0
Hands: Maitreya Bento Hands
Feet: Maitreya Lara Feet
Head: Catwa Catya V2.10
Hair: Exile The Evening Lights
Make Up: A R T E Glam Eyeshadow & Empress Matte Lipstick
Shirt: !Rebel Hope - Cheri Mesh Top Gray
Shorts: Blueberry Lola Shorts
Shoes: !Rebel Hope - Sunset Mesh Sandals
Poses: Photo 1, 2, & 3 <EMOZIONE> Poem In You. Photo 4, 5, & 6 ~Reel Poses - Selfie!

For Full Size Versions of these photos please check out my Flickr


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